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HomeALG™ R-PE (Bottle)

HomeALG™ Activated R-PE

HomeALG™ R-PE Labeled CD45 antibody by IF

HomeALG™ R-PE (Bottle)
關於活化藻紅蛋白 (Act. R-PE)
鴻藻的活化藻紅蛋白分為 SH-Reactive,操作者無須再將其活化即可直接與抗體反應。
鴻藻生技的主要產品「藻紅蛋白」為自台灣鄰近海域新發現本土藻種分離、純化的天然螢光蛋白試劑。經特定雷射波長 (488 nm & 561 nm) 激發下會發射強烈螢光,螢光強度是一般常見螢光素 (Ex: FITC, PerCP, Alexa, HiLyte Fluor) 的 30-100 倍,具有良好的吸光性能 (496, 546, 565 nm) 及⾼量⼦產率、高辨識度、低衰退率等特性。⼤部分實驗室所具備之螢光分析檢測儀器,如:流式細胞儀 (Flow Cytometry)、免疫螢光顯微鏡 (Immunofluorescence Microscopy, IF) 皆可搭配使⽤。
與多家國際藻紅蛋白製造商進行競品測試,鴻藻 R-PE 螢光亮度與全球市占第一名 Agilent 同樣高。
活化藻紅蛋白 (XL-R-PE)
*Ammonium Sulfate-free
Are phycobiliproteins stored in PBS only and in PBS with ammonium sulfate different?PBPs in different buffer solutions both exhibit good long-term stability, the form with ammonium sulfate requires more purification processes, such as dialysis or sulfate precipitation, to fully remove the ammonium sulfate prior to making tandem dyes and antibody conjugations. Home Algae Biotech offers phycobiliproteins stored in PBS only and PBS with ammonium sulfate buffer solutions.
Is the conjugation reaction linking the R-PE/APC to free sulfhydryl groups on the antibody?Home Algae's R-PE & APC Labeling Kit are SH-reactive labeling kits. Crosslinked R-PE and APC have maleimide (-NH2) groups that easily react with sulfhydryl (-SH) groups of target antibody without the need for additional activation. The maleinide group of R-PE/APC and sulfhydryl group on the antibody form a covalent bond during conjugation. Users can also use crosslinked R-PE & APC to label other molecules that have free sulfhydryl groups.
Do I need to remove the free R-PE from the R-PE-antibody conjugate?After the conjugation procedures, reaction mixture should contain mostly the R-PE-antibody conjugate, with small amounts of unconjugated R-PE and antibody. Unconjugated R-PE should not interfere with the assay result. However, purification is suggested for labeling up to 1 mg of antibody. Please contact us for more technical advice.
Can I purchase large pack of labeling kit and separate them into small vials on my own for several reactions?Yes, all pack sizes of our labeling kits are scalable and can be separated into small packs based on your experiment requirements.
What are the molecular weight of purified R-PE and APC?The molecular weight of purified R-PE is 240 kDa, and for purified APC is 105 kDa. They are both perfect for detecting cell surface antigens to further conduct cell screening and cell imaging. With high molecular weight, PE and APC won't penetrate into the cell sample even if cell membrane ruptured, which greatly lower the risk of false-positive reaction. It should be noted that the relatively high molecular weight of R-PE may preclude its use in procedures requiring good penetration into cells and tissues. It is predominantly intended for surface labeling of cells for flow cytometry.
活化藻紅蛋白 (Act. R-PE) 優勢
具有較寬的吸收光譜,由流式細胞儀、螢光顯微鏡所標配的雷射光 (488 & 561 nm) 即能激發,無須再⾼價購置其他雷射光。
可與 Biotin, Streptavdin 或其他化學染劑如 Cy3, Cy5, Cy7接合,增強光譜特異性。
Brightness Index 列第五級,為所有螢光染劑中亮度最高。
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